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Morrisons is a unique business. We are a food maker and shopkeeper with stores and manufacturing Highlights of our 2022/2023 activity included: sites across Britain supported by local and global supply chains. We are committed to addressing the risk of modern slavery throughout our operations and are focused on ensuring that everyone who helps to make our products is treated with dignity and respect, in safe and fair workplaces. Our seventh Modern Slavery Statement provides detail on our ongoing work to deliver on this, including how we identify and address modern slavery and labour exploitation risk in our business and supply chains, whilst enhancing our ability to support positive outcomes for victims. Strong supplier relationships based on mutual trust and respect remain at the heart of this activity
and underpin our work to address modern slavery risk. We are also committed to maximising our leverage through collective action, and have built on this further in the past year by forging partnerships to drive meaningful change. We will continue to develop our approach throughout 2024 and beyond, building our resilience to modern slavery risk and increasing the training and support we provide for our colleagues and suppliers.

We are committed to ensuring that everyone who helps to make our products is treated with dignity and respect, in safe and fair workplaces. Our approach is informed by the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and underpinned by the principles of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and core International Labour Organisation standards.